Get the HUNTER Audiobook for FREE!


Audiobooks have become the preferred medium for millions to enjoy books — and with good reason. Listening to audiobooks is a great way to catch up on all those books you always wanted to read, while you fill otherwise wasted time. You can listen, hands-free, while commuting by car or train or bus, while doing household chores, while shopping or waiting in lines, while working out, while taking vacations, or while winding down before bedtime.

The HUNTER audiobook cover

The HUNTER audiobook cover

And right now, if you sign up for a 30-day FREE trial at, you can get the 12-hour, unabridged HUNTER audiobook absolutely FREE, too. It’s narrated by the talented voice actor Conor Hall, who brings to life my debut thriller and all its colorful characters, including Dylan, Annie, Wonk, Cronin, Garrett, Adrian Wulfe — even Luna! (You can listen to a five-minute sample before you download my book or any other.) is a premiere audiobook source, offering over 150,000 great titles, including many bestsellers, all at affordable prices. You can swap out books you don’t like, and pause, cancel, or upgrade your membership at any time.

So, isn’t it time for you to turn those thousands of “dead” and wasted hours every year to productive use — to be educated, inspired, and entertained? You have nothing to lose with this free trial. To learn the details and sign up, just click this link.

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