Just to keep you up to date: Today, May 19, BAD DEEDS went off to the formatters.
Over thirty (that’s 30!) beta readers went through the manuscript flagging issues and errors, many tiny, but some major. I’ve been working day and night to make repairs and polish the text as well as I can. I’ve been making tweaks up till the very last minute.
But the last minute has arrived, at last, and the manuscript is about to be sent to Jason Anderson at Polgarus Studio, who will prepare both the ebook and the print editions. The turnaround should be very fast for the ebook; the print edition may take a bit longer.
But the official release date remains May 28.
The “Acknowledgments” at the end record my undying gratitude to scores of people who played roles in the production of the book. In addition to over thirty beta readers, I consulted with eight experts about technical aspects of the book, ranging from aircraft (manned and unmanned), weapons, electronics, spy gadgets, and martial arts. Many of my betas had their own areas of expertise, contributing suggestions and corrections that added immeasurably to the book. Over a dozen fans of HUNTER contributed names for the new book’s villains during a little online contest I ran. Numerous others provided other forms of assistance, from the cover design, to promotional advice, to the design and maintenance of this blog. BAD DEEDS is truly a team effort, and it’s an injustice that only my name appears on its cover.
Thanks to all who have participated in this process. And thank you, the fans of HUNTER, for your patience in waiting for this new adventure.